
The sloth got its name from its slow movement, it is not lazy, just slow-moving. The sloth is the slowest mammal on Earth. In total, there are six species of sloth. Sloths belong to the families ‘Megalonychidae’ and ‘Bradypodidae’, part of the order ‘Pilosa’.

  1. Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work. You're shiftless, lazy, and good fer nuthin'. Your punishment in Hell will be. You'll be thrown into snake pits. Dance, sinner, dance! Associated symbols & suchlike. Sloth is linked with the goat and the color light blue.
  2. A sloth spends approximately 85% of its life hanging completely upside down, mainly because it requires no effort. The entire sloth is designed for a life of inversion. All of its internal organs, including the heart, liver, spleen and stomach, are rearranged inside its body cavity so nothing gets crushed or obstructed.

The Buttercup Tour: Your intro to the real sloth life

  • Meet our sloth ambassadors in their protective enclosures
  • NOTE: Due to government COVID precautions, we are unable to hold our regular canoe trips through the rainforest. We appreciate your understanding.
  • Total tour time: About 2 hours

Appreciate the sloths, but no touching! Conservation regulations limit handling only to Sanctuary staff, no exceptions.

US$28 Adult/Teen age 13+
US$15 Childage 5–12
n/c Young childup to age 4
Children 12 and under must be accompanied by adult.

Book your tour
+506 2750-0775
If you have a Costa Rican cedula, please call 2750-0775.

Please contact us at least two days prior to when you plan to visit. The reservation line is open Tuesday–Sunday from 8AM–3PM.

Tours begin on the hour: 8:00AM / 9:00AM / 10:00AM / 11:00AM / 12:00PM / 1:00PM / 2:00PM

Payment: Cash or credit card when you arrive, US$ or CR colones.

For groups of 20+, please call to arrange advance payment.
US$25 for each adult in your group
US$22 for each student in your group holding valid school/university ID

PARKING: Remove all valuables and lock your vehicle.

Dogs/pets strictly prohibited on site, in your car and outside the gate. Service animals excepted, but email us to learn the regulations.

The Insider’s Tour: Enjoy quality time with baby sloths

  • Morning Tour // 8:45AM arrival & registration / Tour begins at 9:00AM
  • Afternoon Tour // 12:45PM arrival & registration / Tour begins at 1:00PM

Everything in the Buttercup Tour, plus go “behind the scenes” to the Slothpital clinic and visit baby sloths in the NICU/Nursery.

  • Guests limited to 6 total
  • Total tour time: About 3 hours

Appreciate the sloths, but no touching! Conservation regulations limit handling only to Sanctuary staff, no exceptions.

Sloth From Zootopia

US$150 Adult age 19–64
US$75 Youthage 6–18
US$85 Seniorage 65 and up
n/cChildthrough age 5
Children 12 and under must be accompanied by adult.

If you have a Costa Rican cedula, please call 2750-0775.

Setool driver download for windows. How to book your tour:

SlothSloth from zootopia
  • Use form below. We confirm availability and send your invoice by email. Using PayPal, pay the invoice using a credit card (no account required). Your tour is booked when we receive your payment!
  • Please bring a printout of invoice to your tour. Please read the cancellation/rescheduling information detailed on your invoice.

Insider’s Tour Gift Certificates
Send details to We will respond promptly with a PayPal invoice that you may pay by credit card. Once paid, we will email a Gift Certificate for the lucky recipient. Valid for two years from issue date.



Booking the Insider’s Tour is required to stay at the Inn. Available Tuesday through Saturday night. Stay up to three nights and explore other area attractions. Room rate includes continental breakfast.

> Click to request your Insider’s Tour & stay at the Buttercup Inn

HOW TO GET HEREClick for details

From USA: Southwest Airlines to San José, Costa Rica
From San José and Costa Rica’s Pacific Coast: Sansa Airlines to Limon (2 flights a day from San José)
From Liberia, Costa Rica: Nature Air to Limon

Set GPS to Latitude 9.799565 Longitude -82.915112 Route 36

Take route Limon/Cahuita/Hone Creek/Puerto Viejo. Ask driver to stop at Aviarios del Caribe/Sloth Sanctuary. See large yellow sloth crossing sign at the bus stop near front gate.


TOP 5 MOST-ASKED QUESTIONS • Click here for full FAQ

I want to hold or touch a sloth. May I?
No. Per MINAE conservation regulations, only Sanctuary staff are allowed to handle sloths. Orion driver download for windows 10. When handled by unfamiliar people, sloths exhibit tachycardia (abnormally fast heart rate) that weakens the heart muscle, a cause of premature death. Also, foreign microbes and allergens attached to guests can compromise rescued sloths’ immune systems.

Note: Avoid roadside locals who lure tourists to pose for photos holding a sloth. They will tear a baby away from its mother to exploit it for money. After they take your photo, they discard the baby inhumanely, leaving it to die from malnutrition or dehydration. If you see someone trying this, please take a photo of the person, then call 911 to report them to the police. top of page

Can I volunteer, work, intern or help at the Sanctuary?
We are not hiring volunteers or staff. We are proud to employ local Costa Ricans and also offer veterinary clinical rotations solely to university students who reside in Costa Rica. We do not endorse or recommend any particular Costa Rican conservation volunteer program. For your inspiration, this article discusses some opportunities and ideas in Costa Rica. top of page

I’m coming to visit! Where can I get bottled water & snacks?
Purified bottled drinking water is essential for your comfort & health in tropical Costa Rica. On your way here, seek out a local market or our favorite, Auto Mercado (multiple locations). top of page

Where can I learn about sloths?
See our About sloths entries, newsletters or Facebook page. top of page

Sloth Bear

Media inquiries
We require 60 days’ notice to film at the Sanctuary or interview Judy Avey-Arroyo. Send details of your request to

Sloth Animal Facts

Phone +506 2750 0775 •

Urgent sloth rescue: +506 2750 0775

  • If you find an injured, orphaned or abandoned sloth, tell us the exact location where you found the sloth. Use your mobile phone to take a screen capture of the GPS coordinates.
  • Si encuentra un perezoso que requiere ser rescatado, es muy importante que nos indica su ubicacion exacta. Se puede obtener la ubicacion exacta tomando una captura de pantalla de las cardinales GPS desde su celular.

Sloth Bear

Located on the southeast Caribbean side, we are a 320-acre nature preserve and rescue center. The Sanctuary is funded solely by proceeds from educational tours, the gift shop and inn and generous donors around the world.