
What’s your life purpose? In your birth chart, the lunar nodes—known as the north node and south node—hold the keys to your destiny and ultimate life lessons.

Identifying Nodes. The base of a bud, leaf, twig, or branch is always attached to a node, so this is one easy way to find them. Even without visible buds or leaves, you can tell where the node of a twig is by some signs that are visible only at a node. Identifying Nodes. The base of a bud, leaf, twig, or branch is always attached to a node, so this is one easy way to find them. Even without visible buds or leaves, you can tell where the node of a twig is by some signs that are visible only at a node.

If the network in question is a distributed system, the nodes are clients, servers or peers. A peer may sometimes serve as client, sometimes server. In a peer-to-peer or overlay network, nodes that actively route data for the other networked devices as well as themselves are called supernodes. Node definition is - a pathological swelling or enlargement (as of a rheumatic joint). How to use node in a sentence.

by The AstroTwins

In astrology, your life purpose is encoded in the north node and south node of the moon. The lunar nodes are directly opposite each other in the chart. They aren’t planets, but rather mathematical points on the chart that fall in two opposite zodiac signs. For example, if your north node is in Capricorn, your south node will be in its opposite sign of Cancer, and so on.

Bottom line: The north node represents our karmic paths and the lessons we came here to learn—or the language we are learning to speak. The south node reveals the challenges and gifts we bring in from previous lifetimes.

How can I find my north node and south node?

Scroll down to use our date tables. Or calculate your lunar nodes by doing a free birth chart here on our site.

Read About Your North and South Nodes:

Aries and Libra North Nodes
Taurus and Scorpio North Nodes
Gemini and Sagittarius North Nodes
Cancer and Capricorn North Nodes
Leo and Aquarius North Nodes
Virgo and Pisces North Nodes

The South Node:
Revealing Past Lives, Natural Abilities

The South Node reveals the gifts that you bring into this lifetime, your sweet spot, your comfort zone. You will be innately good in these areas of life, and may begin your early path based on your South Node leanings. While this can bring a sense of satisfaction, it is unlikely to elevate you to Blissville. There’s a sense of “been there, done that” in the field of South Node activities. And indeed you have: in many past lifetimes. The key is to use your South Node as a springboard into your North Node destiny, much like an expat living abroad will always feel most comfortable speaking her native language, even if she’s lived in her new country for many years. The South Node is your horoscope hometown, perhaps not the place you want to settle permanently, but somewhere cozy to visit when you need to feel a sense of place or belonging.

The North Node:
Your Destiny That’s Calling

The north node is the exact opposite zodiac sign of the south node. It illuminates the terrain that’s calling your name, but climbing to the peak of this mountain is like trekking up Mt. Everest. You’ll have to lighten up your baggage and enlist a proverbial Sherpa to get you up that hill. It’s your learning curve. North Node activities require you to stretch out of your comfort zone. Once you do, you’ll be amazed by how fulfilled you feel. It’s like the activation of your life’s mission. The sooner you align yourself with this path, the more purpose-driven your life will become. However, you will often return to your South Node as that “ace in the hole”—kind of like returning home to your roots, even after you’ve made your way in the world.

Nodes Of Ranvier Function

We often think that just because we’re good at something—or it comes easily to us—that it’s what we should “do” with our lives. Yet, sometimes, the easy way doesn’t feel spiritually satisfying. Maybe you’ve taken this path enough times in past lives, and you’re ready for something new. One of our favorite books on this topic (and actually, one of the few written) is Jan Spiller’s Astrology for the Soul.

How are the nodes used in astrology?

Astrologers use the lunar nodes to determine where your destiny lies (north node) and what you were in past lifetimes (south node). The nodes change signs every 18 months approximately. People born within your same lunar node group are like your “soul tribe.” You incarnated with to learn the same lessons.

The lunar nodes are determined by the points where the moon’s orbit crosses the “ecliptic”—the apparent path the Sun makes around the earth. (We say “apparent” because in reality, the earth is revolving around the Sun…but from our vantage point on the planet, it appears that the Sun is moving.) The nodes take into account the Sun, the moon and the earth. They fall in the same signs that the eclipses are in when you’re born.

The lunar nodes help us answer questions like: What am I supposed to do with my life? Why am I here and what’s my mission? What was I in a past life?

The nodes play a powerful role in non-Western astrology. Kabbalah’s astrology focuses primarily on the lunar nodes. This system calls the north node your tikkun (“correction”) and view it as the karmic adjustment your soul must make. Vedic astrology calls the nodes the head (Rahu/north node) and tail (Ketu/south node) of the dragon and take a harsher view of the south node’s karma.

Note to parents-to-be: if you have a child around the age of 18-19 or 36-37, you’ll share the same nodes. And if you date, marry or join forces with someone 9-10 years older or younger than you, there’s a good chance they’ll have the opposite nodes. (For example, your south node is Virgo and their north node is Virgo). This can be a powerful but polarizing pairing—you’ve both mastered what the other one has come here to learn. If you combine your natural skills, you can be unstoppable.

The ultimate book on the nodes is Astrology for the Soul by Jan Spiller. A huge influence who we learned so much from, Spiller passed away July 2016. We are forever grateful for what we learned about the nodes from her writing.

North & South Node Dates

To find your lunar nodes, choose the date range that includes your birthday. Note, due to period retrogrades, we recommend confirming your exact nodes using our calculator here

ARIES South Node/LIBRA North Node
Feb 8, 1921 – Aug 22, 1922 * Jan 1, 1940 – May 24, 1941 * Jun 17, 1958 – Dec 15, 1959 * Jan 8, 1977 – Jul 5, 1978 * Aug 1, 1995 – Jan 25, 1997 * Feb 19, 2014 – Nov 11, 2015 • Oct 15, 2032 – May 22, 2032

Lymph Nodes

TAURUS South Node/SCORPIO North Node
Aug 16, 1919 – Feb 7, 1921 * Mar 4, 1938 – Sept 11, 1939 * Oct 5, 1956 – Jun 16, 1958 * Jul 10, 1975 – Jan 7, 1977 * Feb 2, 1994 – Jul 31, 1995 * Aug 30, 2012 – Feb 18, 2014 • Mar 21, 2031 – Oct 14, 2032

Feb 14, 1918 – Aug 15, 1919 * Sep 14, 1936 – Mar 3, 1938 * Apr 3, 1955 – Oct 4, 1956 * Oct 28, 1973 – Jul 9, 1975 * Aug 2, 1992 – Feb 1, 1994 * Mar 4, 2011 – Aug 29, 2012 • Sep 24, 2029 – Mar 20, 2031

CANCER South Node/CAPRICORN North Node
May 31, 1916 – Feb 13, 1918 * Mar 9, 1935 – Sep 13 1936 * Feb Oct 10, 1953 – Apr 2, 1955 * Apr 28, 1972 – Oct 27, 1973 * Nov 19, 1990 – Aug 1, 1992 * Aug 22, 2009 – Mar 3, 2011 • Mar 27, 2028 – Sep 23, 2029

LEO South Node/AQUARIUS North Node
Jun 25, 1933 – Mar 8, 1935 Mar 29, 1952 – Oct 9, 1953 * Nov 3, 1970 – Apr 27, 1972 * May 23, 1989 – Nov 18, 1990 * Dec 19, 2007 – Aug 21, 2009 • Jul 27, 2026 – Mar 26, 2028

VIRGO South Node/PISCES North Node
Dec 29, 1931 – Jun 24, 1933 * Jul 27, 1950 – Mar 28, 1952 * Apr 20, 1969 – Nov 2, 1970 * Dec 3, 1987 – May 22, 1989 * Jun 23, 2006 – Dec 18, 2007 • Jan 12, 2025 – July 26, 2026

LIBRA South Node/ARIES North Node
Jul 8, 1930 – Dec 28, 1931 * Jan 27, 1949 – Jul 26, 1950 * Aug 20, 1967 – Apr 19, 1969 * Apr 7, 1986 – Dec 2, 1987 * Dec 27, 2004 – Jun 22, 2006 * July 18, 2023 – Jan 11, 2025

Rt systems usb devices driver download. SCORPIO South Node/TAURUS North Node
Dec 29, 1928 – Jul 7, 1930 * Aug 3, 1947 – Jan 26, 1949 * Feb 20, 1966 – Aug 19, 1967 * Sep 12, 1984 – Apr 6, 1986 * Apr 15, 2003 – Dec 26, 2004 • January 19, 2022 – July 17, 2023

April 17, 1927 – Dec 28, 1928 * Dec 4, 1945 – Aug 2, 1947 * Aug 26, 1964 – Feb 19, 1966 * Mar 17, 1983 – Sep 11, 1984 * Oct 14, 2001 – Apr 14, 2003 • May 6, 2020 – Jan 18, 2022

CAPRICORN South Node/CANCER North Node
Oct 27, 1925 – Apr 16, 1927 * May 12, 1944 – Dec 3, 1945 * Dec 24, 1962 – Aug 25, 1964 * Sep 25, 1981 – Mar 16, 1983 * Apr 10, 2000 – Oct 13, 2001 • Nov 7, 2018 – May 5, 2020

AQUARIUS South Node/LEO North Node
Apr 23, 1924 – Oct 26, 1925 * Nov 22, 1942 – May 11, 1944 * Jun 11, 1961 – Dec 23, 1962 * Jan 6, 1980 – Sep 24, 1981 * Oct 21, 1998– Apr 10, 2000 * May 10, 2017 – Nov 6, 2018

PISCES South Node/VIRGO North Node
Aug 23, 1922 – Apr 22, 1924 * May 25, 1941 – Nov 21, 1942 * Dec 16, 1959 – Jun 10, 1961 * Jul 6, 1978 – Jan 5, 1980 * Jan 26, 1997 – Oct 20, 1998 * Nov 12, 2015 – May 9, 2017

Art via Tumblr. Diagram via Evolving Door Astrology

A node is a basic unit of a data structure, such as a linked list or tree data structure. Nodes contain data and also may link to other nodes. Links between nodes are often implemented by pointers.

In graph theory, the image provides a simplified view of a network, where each of the numbers represents a different node.

Nodes and Trees[edit]

Nodesource Repository

A simple binary tree of size 9 and height 3, with a root node whose value is 2. The above tree is unbalanced and not sorted.

Nodes are often arranged into tree structures. A node represents the information contained in a single data structure. These nodes may contain a value or condition, or possibly serve as another independent data structure. Nodes are represented by a single parent node. The highest point on a tree structure is called a root node, which does not have a parent node, but serves as the parent or 'grandparent' of all of the nodes below it in the tree. The height of a node is determined by the total number of edges on the path from that node to the furthest leaf node, and the height of the tree is equal to the height of the root node.[1] Node depth is determined by the distance between that particular node and the root node. The root node is said to have a depth of zero.[2] Data can be discovered along these network paths.[3]An IP address uses this kind of system of nodes to define its location in a network.



  • Child: A child node is a node extending from another node. For example, a computer with internet access could be considered a child node of a node representing the internet. The inverse relationship is that of a parent node. If node C is a child of node A, then A is the parent node of C.
  • Degree: the degree of a node is the number of children of the node.
  • Depth: the depth of node A is the length of the path from A to the root node. The root node is said to have depth 0.
  • Edge: the connection between nodes.
  • Forest: a set of trees.
  • Height: the height of node A is the length of the longest path through children to a leaf node.
  • Internal node: a node with at least one child.
  • Leaf node: a node with no children.
  • Root node: a node distinguished from the rest of the tree nodes. Usually, it is depicted as the highest node of the tree.
  • Sibling nodes: these are nodes connected to the same parent node.

Markup languages[edit]

Another common use of node trees is in web development. In programming, XML is used to communicate information between computer programmers and computers alike. For this reason XML is used to create common communication protocols used in office productivity software, and serves as the base for the development of modern web markup languages like XHTML. Though similar in how it is approached by a programmer, HTML and CSS is typically the language used to develop website text and design. While XML, HTML and XHTML provide the language and expression, DOM serves as a translator.[4]


Where are lymph nodes located

Node type[edit]

Where Are Lymph Nodes Located

Different types of nodes in a tree are represented by specific interfaces. In other words, the node type is defined by how it communicates with other nodes. Each node has a node type property, which specifies the type of node, such as sibling or leaf.For example, if the node type property is the constant properties for a node, this property specifies the type of the node. So if a node type property is the constant node ELEMENT_NODE, one can know that this node object is an object Element. This object uses the Element interface to define all the methods and properties of that particular node.Node Types

Different W3C World Wide Web Consortium node types and descriptions:

  • Document represents the entire document (the root-node of the DOM tree)
  • DocumentFragment represents a 'lightweight' Document object, which can hold a portion of a document
  • DocumentType provides an interface to the entities defined for the document
  • ProcessingInstruction represents a processing instruction
  • EntityReference represents an entity reference
  • Element represents an element
  • Attr represents an attribute
  • Text represents textual content in an element or attribute
  • CDATASection represents a CDATA section in a document (text that will NOT be parsed by a parser)
  • Comment represents a comment
  • Entity represents an entity
  • Notation represents a notation declared in the DTD
NodeTypeNamed constant

Node object[edit]

A node object is represented by a single node in a tree. It can be an element node, attribute node, text node, or any type that is described in section 'node type'. All objects can inherit properties and methods for dealing with parent and child nodes, but not all of the objects have parent or child nodes. For example, text nodes that cannot have child nodes, similar nodes to add child nodes results in a DOM error.

Nodes Of The Heart

Objects in the DOM tree may be addressed and manipulated by using methods on the objects. The public interface of a DOM is specified in its application programming interface (API). The history of the Document Object Model is intertwined with the history of the 'browser wars' of the late 1990s between Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer, as well as with that of JavaScript and JScript, the first scripting languages to be widely implemented in the layout engines of web browsers.

See also[edit]


  1. ^'tree (data structure)'. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Archived from the original on 2014-11-24.
  2. ^Teukolsky, Roselyn (2013). Barron's AP Computer Science A. Barron's. ISBN978-1-4380-0152-4.
  3. ^'Simply Scheme: Introducing Computer Science ch 18: Trees'. College Of Engineering, University of California, Berkeley. Archived from the original on 2013-12-22.
  4. ^'XML DOM Introduction'. W3Schools. Archived from the original on 2014-06-11. Retrieved 2018-04-07.

External links[edit]

  • Data Trees as a Means of Presenting Complex Data Analysis by Sally Knipe
  • Interactive Visualization of the C. elegans Cell Tree - Visualize the entire cell lineage tree of the nematode C. elegans (javascript)
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