
  • Professional software products for video analysis and monitoring, IPTV solutions, digital broadcasting and video streaming, transcoding and VOD-servers.
  • Stay close to scenic Moonlight Beach at the Best Western Encinitas Inn & Suites at Moonlight Beach. Located blocks away from the beach, near LEGOLAND and other area attractions. Enjoy elegant lodging, complimentary breakfast, free high-speed Internet and a pool at our Encinitas, CA hotel.
  • Welcome to Castelli's Moonlight Restaurant at 255! We are located at 3400 Fosterburg Road, Alton, IL 62002. Our phone number is 618-462-4620. We look forward to seeing you soon!
  • Friends and Family Lift Tickets. Qualifying Ikon Passholder or Copper Pass/Four Pack holders are issued a limited number of vouchers to give to their friends and family that are good for 25% off the window ticket rate at Copper.
TypeTool – Crafting material
Use time20 Very Fast
TooltipSummons the moon
SellNo value

Point grey research mobile phones & portable devices driver. I know Moonlight has not gotten rave reviews, has been likened to so many other vampire stories but, it truly is different. John is a new breed of vampire with new rules, new ways of meeting his needs and, a new outlook on being a vampire. Perle port devices driver download.

The Moonlight is a Hardmode tool and the counterpart to Daylight, moving the clock to night when it is day, 'summoning' the moon. It can only be used during the day.

  • 1Crafting

Crafting[edit | edit source]

Recipe[edit | edit source]

Crafting Station
Mythril Anvil
Orichalcum Anvil
Soul of Night7
Frigid Bar5

Used in[edit | edit source]

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
  • Daylight
  • Moonlight
Mythril Anvil
Orichalcum Anvil

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • It cannot be used when any boss is alive.
  • It can be used to skip or end a Solar Eclipse.
Tools: Usual Tools • Summoning Tools • Other Tools
Usual Tools
PickaxesAstral Pickaxe • Beastial Pickaxe • Blossom Pickaxe • Crystyl Crusher • Genesis Pickaxe • Gelpick • Greatbay Pickaxe • Shardlight Pickaxe • Skyfringe Pickaxe • Spadefish • Wulfrum Pickaxe
AxesAxe of Purity • Berserker Waraxe • Feller of Evergreens • Inferna Cutter • Tectonic Truncator • Waraxe • Wulfrum Axe
HammersAbyssal Warhammer • Depth Crusher • Hydraulic Volt Crasher • Wulfrum Hammer
Multi-use ToolsPickaxe and AxeMarnite Obliterator
Hammer and AxeAerial Hamaxe • Astral Hamaxe • Grax • Reefclaw Hamaxe
Pickaxe and HammerSeismic Hampick
Fishing PolesThe Devourer of Cods • Early Bloom Rod • Feral Double Rod • Heron Rod • Navy Fishing Rod • Rift Reeler • Slurper Pole • Verstaltite Fishing Rod • Wulfrum Fishing Pole
HooksBobbit Hook • Serpent's Bite
Summoning Tools
PetsAstrophage • Bear's Eye • Bloody Vein • Brimstone Jewel • Charred Relic • Cosmic Plushie • Forgotten Dragon Egg • Fox Drive • Geyser Shell • Hermit's Box of One Hundred Medicines • Joyful Heart • Levi • Plague Caller • Primrose Keepsake • Romajeda Orchid • Trash Can • Triboluminescent Etomer
Light PetsChromatic Orb • Enchanted Butterfly • Radiating Crystal • Rusted Jingle Bell • Strange Orb
MountsBrimrose • Folly Feed • Gaze of Crysthamyr • Onyx Excavator Key • Princess Spirit in a Bottle • Suspicious Looking Jelly Bean • Tundra Leash
Other Tools
CombatBall and Chain • Relic of Convergence • Relic of Resilience
EventBroken Water Filter
TeleportationNormality Relocator
TimeCosmolight • Daylight • Moonlight
MechanicsArmageddon • Death • Defiled Rune • Iron Heart • Revengeance • Stat Meter
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Moonlight Game Streaming


The light reflected from the surface of the moon.
intr.v.moon·light·ed, moon·light·ing, moon·lightsMoonlightInformal
To work at another job, often at night, in addition to one's full-time job.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈmuːnˌlaɪt) nMoonlight roblox id
1. (Astronomy) Also called: moonshine light from the sun received on earth after reflection by the moon
2. (Astronomy) (modifier) illuminated by the moon: a moonlight walk.
vb, -lights, -lightingor-lighted
(Industrial Relations & HR Terms) (intr) informal to work at a secondary job, esp at night, and often illegitimately
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


n. v.i.
2. to work at an additional job after one's regular, full-time employment, as at night.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


MoonlightPast participle: moonlighted
Gerund: moonlighting
I moonlight
you moonlight
he/she/it moonlights
we moonlight
you moonlight
they moonlight
I moonlighted
you moonlighted
he/she/it moonlighted
we moonlighted
you moonlighted
they moonlighted
Present Continuous
I am moonlighting
you are moonlighting
he/she/it is moonlighting
we are moonlighting
you are moonlighting
they are moonlighting
Present Perfect
I have moonlighted
you have moonlighted
he/she/it has moonlighted
we have moonlighted
you have moonlighted
they have moonlighted
Past Continuous
I was moonlighting
you were moonlighting
he/she/it was moonlighting
we were moonlighting
you were moonlighting
they were moonlighting
Past Perfect
I had moonlighted
you had moonlighted
he/she/it had moonlighted
we had moonlighted
you had moonlighted
they had moonlighted
I will moonlight
you will moonlight
he/she/it will moonlight
we will moonlight
you will moonlight
they will moonlight
Future Perfect
I will have moonlighted
you will have moonlighted
he/she/it will have moonlighted
we will have moonlighted
you will have moonlighted
they will have moonlighted
Future Continuous
I will be moonlighting
you will be moonlighting
he/she/it will be moonlighting
we will be moonlighting
you will be moonlighting
they will be moonlighting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been moonlighting
you have been moonlighting
he/she/it has been moonlighting
we have been moonlighting
you have been moonlighting
they have been moonlighting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been moonlighting
you will have been moonlighting
he/she/it will have been moonlighting
we will have been moonlighting
you will have been moonlighting
they will have been moonlighting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been moonlighting
you had been moonlighting
he/she/it had been moonlighting
we had been moonlighting
you had been moonlighting
they had been moonlighting
I would moonlight
you would moonlight
he/she/it would moonlight
we would moonlight
you would moonlight
they would moonlight
Past Conditional
I would have moonlighted
you would have moonlighted
he/she/it would have moonlighted
we would have moonlighted
you would have moonlighted
they would have moonlighted
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
Noun1.moonlight - the light of the Moon; 'moonlight is the smuggler's enemy'; 'the Moon was bright enough to read by'
moonshine, Moon
light, visible light, visible radiation - (physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation; 'the light was filtered through a soft glass window'
Verb1.moonlight - work a second job, usually after hours; 'The law student is moonlighting as a taxi driver'
do work, work - be employed; 'Is your husband working again?'; 'My wife never worked'; 'Do you want to work after the age of 60?'; 'She never did any work because she inherited a lot of money'; 'She works as a waitress to put herself through college'
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
měsíční svitmít druhé zaměstnání
mesačný svitpracovať v druhom zamestnanírobiť fušky


A.Nluzfde laluna
by moonlight; in the moonlight
B.VIpracticar el pluriempleo
he moonlights as a taxi driveren sus ratoslibrestrabaja de taxista
C.CPDmoonlight flitN (Brit) → mudanzafa la chita callando
to do a moonlight flit
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


nclairm de lune
in the moonlight → au clair de lune
vitravailler au noir pour compléter ses ressources
She moonlighted as a waitress → Elle travaillait au noir comme serveuse pour compléter ses ressources.
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


1.nchiaro di luna
in the moonlight → al chiaro di luna
3.adj (walk) → al chiaro di luna
to do a moonlight flit (Brit) (fam) traslocare di notte per non pagare l'affitto
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(muːn) noun
1. the heavenly body that moves once round the earth in a month and reflects light from the sun. The moon was shining brightly; Spacemen landed on the moon. maan قَمَر Луна lua měsíc der Mond måne φεγγάριluna kuu ماه kuu luneירח चन्द्रमा Mjesec hold bulan tungl, máni luna mėnulis mēness bulan maanmåneksiężyc سپوژمى lua lună луна mesiac Mesec mesec måne แสงจันทร์ Ay 月亮 місяць; Місяць چاند mặt trăng 月亮
2. any of the similar bodies moving round the other planets. the moons of Jupiter. maan قَمَر يَدور حَوْلَ كَوْكَب спътник lua měsíc der Mond måne δορυφόροςluna kuu قمر kuu luneירח दुसरे ग्रहों के गिर्द घूमने वाले आकाशीय पिंड prirodni satelit hold bulan tungl, fylgihnöttur luna 衛星 (행성의) 위성 palydovas (planētas) pavadonis bulan maanmåneksiężyc ستورى lua lună спутник mesiac luna mesec måne พระจันทร์ uydu (太陽系其他行星的)衛星 супутник دوسرے ستاروں کے دیگر طفیلی سیارے vệ tinh 卫星
ˈmoonless adjective
(of a night) dark and having no moonlight. maanlose مُعْتِمه، لا يَظْهَر القَمَرُ فيها липсваща луна sem lua bezměsíčný mondlos måneløs αφέγγαρος sin luna kuupaisteta ظلمانی kuuton sans lune חֲסַר יָרֵח अंधेरा bez mjesečine koromsötét gelap ekki tunglbjartur senza luna 月のない 캄캄한 tamsus, be mėnulio bezmēness- tidak berbulan maanloos uten måneskinn bezksiężycowy د سپوژمى له رڼا سره شپه sem lua fără lună безлунный bezmesačný brez mesečine bez mesečine utan måne, mörk ซึ่งไม่มีแสงจันทร์ aysız, mehtapsız 漆黑無月光的 безмісячний بغیر چاند کی رات không trăng 无月光的
ˈmoonbeam noun
a beam of light reflected from the moon. maanlig شُعاع من أشِعَّةِ القَمَر лунен лъч raio de luar měsíční paprsek der Mondstrahl månestråle αχτίδα του φεγγαριού rayo de luna kuukiir مهتاب kuunsäde rayon de lune קֶרֶן יָרֵח चन्द्र किरण mjesečeva zraka holdfény sinar bulan tunglgeisli raggio di luna 月光 달의 광선 mėnulio spindulys mēnesstars sinaran bulan manestraal månestråle promień księżyca سپوژمى raio de lua rază de lună луч луны mesačný lúč lunin žarek mesečev zrak månstråle แสงจันทร์ ay ışını 月光,月光的 місячний промінь چاند کی روشنی tia sáng trăng 月光
ˈmoonlight noun, adjective
(made with the help of) the light reflected by the moon. The sea looked silver in the moonlight; a moonlight raid. maanlig ضَوء القَمَر лунна светлина luar měsíční svit das Mondlicht måneskin; måneskins- φεγγαρόφωτοluz de la luna kuuvalgus مهتاب kuunvalo clair de lune אוֹר יָרֵח चांदनी mjesečina holdfény sinar bulan tunglsljós chiaro di luna 月光 (の) 달빛 mėnesiena mēnesnīca cahaya bulan maanlichtmåneskinn światło księżyca سپوژمى luar lumina lunii лунный свет mesačný svit mesečina mesečina månsken แสงจันทร์ ay ışığı, mehtap 月光(的) місячне сяйво چاندنی ánh trăng 月光(的)
to work at a second job, often at night, in addition to one's regular job. He earns so little that he has to moonlight. skelm werk, 'n tweede beroep hê يَعْمَلُ في وَظيفَةٍ ثانِيَه работя и нощна работа fazer bico mít druhé zaměstnání (často v noci) einen Neben-/Zweitjob machen arbejde sort είμαι διπλοθεσίτης, δουλεύω σε δύο δουλειές estar pluriempleado öötööd tegema شبانه tehdä kuutamokeikkaa travailler au noir עָבוֹדָה נוֹסֶפֶת नियमित काम के अलावा दूसरा काम भी करना dodatno raditi másodállást vállal bekerja sambilan (avere un secondo lavoro) (本職のほかに)内職する (야간의) 아르바이트를 하다, 겹치기로 일하다 papildomai uždarbiauti piepelnīties, strādājot vakaros/pa nakti kerja sambilan een bijbaan hebben; zwart bijwerken jobbe svartdorabiać د شپى مهال подрабатывать robiť fušky, pracovať v druhom zamestnaní delati na črno raditi na crno jobba extra, extraknäcka, svartjobba ทำงานแห่งที่สอง (คำไม่เป็นทางการ) gece ikinci bir iş yapmak (通常是晚上)兼差 підробляти; працювати за сумісництвом بیک وقت دو روزگار رکھنا خصوصا رات میں làm thêm ban đêm 从事第二职业
moonlighting noun
skelm werk العَمَل في وَظيفَةٍ ثانِيَه работене на две места bico měsíční svit eine Nacht und Nebelaktion arbejde sort το να κάνει κπ. δύο δουλειές pluriempleo öötöö تابیدن ماه לַעֲבוֹד בְּעָבוֹדָה נוֹסֶפֶת चांदनी tajni (noćni) napad másodállás pekerjaan sambilan (secondo lavoro) (本職のほかに)内職すること 부업 papildomas uždarbiavimas piepelnīšanās pekerjaan sambilan bijbaan; zwart werken svart arbeid dorabianie د سپوژمى رڼا побочный приработок fuškárenie delo na črno tezgarenje extraknäck, svartjobb ความสว่างที่เปล่งออกมาจากดวงจันทร์ gece ikinci bir işte çalışma 兼差 праця за сумісництвом رات میں اضافی روزگار کرنا ánh sáng trăng 兼职,第二职业
ˈmoonlit adjective
lit by the moon. a moonlit hillside. maanverlig مُضاء بِنور القَمَر осветен от луната enluarado osvětlený měsícem mondhell månebelyst φεγγαροφωτισμένος iluminado por la luna kuuvalge روشن kuun valaisema éclairé par la lune מוּאָר בְּאוֹר יָרֵח चांदनी में रोशन mjesečinom obasjan holdsütötte disinari bulan tunglbjartur illuminato dalla luna 月に照らされた 달에 비친 mėnulio apšviestas, mėnesėtas mēness apspīdēts disinari cahaya bulan door de maan verlicht månelys oświetlony światłem Księżyca روښانه د سپوژمى له بركته enluarado luminat de lună залитый лунным светом osvetlený mesiacom obsijan z mesečino obasjan mesečinom månbelyst ที่สว่างด้วยแสงจันทร์ ay ışığıyla aydınlanmış, mehtaplı 月光照耀的 освітлений місяцем چاندنی سے روشن có ánh trăng soi 月照的
moon about/around

Moonlight Song

to wander around as if dazed, eg because one is in love. draal يَهيمُ على وَجْهِه обикалям като замаян vaguear chodit jako ve snách verträumen dagdrømme ονειροβατώ (π.χ. από έρωτα) ir de aqu para allá, merodear pilvedes hõljuma اوارگی hortoilla ympäriinsä rakastuneena flâner לְהֶזוֹת इधर-उधर चकराना kretati se mlitavo kóvályog berkeliaran ráfa um (eins og í leiðslu) girare ぼんやりうろつく (사랑에 빠져) 멍하니 돌아다니다 vaikščioti lyg apspangus bezmērķīgi klīst berkeliaran rondhangensvime rundt, være i sin egen verden chodzić jak we śnie سر په بيديا، صحرايى vaguear a merge de colo-colo (ca un somnambul) бродить как во сне chodiť ako vo sne tavati lutati okolo zanesen gå omkring och tråna (drömma) เดินละเมอ dalgın dalgın dolaşmak 出神癡想(尤指戀愛時) блукати поглядом محبت میں دیوانہ وار پھرنا luẩn quẩn 出神
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.

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